Getting To Know Us – Maricela Donado-Sandoval

Getting to Know Us

This is Maricela, one of our dry cleaning specialists at our Staples Mill location. She has been with us for 19 years and started as a shirt presser at our Tuckahoe location in 1998.

We asked Maricela a few questions so you could get to know her better and here’s what she said:

Tell us about yourself and your family. “I am from Guatemala and have lived in Richmond for 22 years. My husband is also from Guatemala and we have 2 children. My son is 21 and my daughter is 16, both born here in Richmond. In Guatemala, I graduated school as an Executive Secretary.“

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? “I would like to travel to Guatemala more to be able to visit my family.”

Who is your personal hero? “My hero in the first place is God because thanks to him we owe everything. And my mother.”

What is your favorite thing about Puritan Cleaners? “Puritan Cleaners gives us many opportunities to get ahead, and helping the community with food (100K Meals) and Coats for Kids. It’s one of the best cleaners in Richmond.”

En español

Esta es Maricela, uno de nuestros especialistas en limpieza en seco en nuestra ubicación de Staples Mill. Ella ha estado con nosotros durante 19 años y comenzó como un prensador de camisa en nuestra ubicación de Tuckahoe en 1998.

Cuentanos un poco acerca de ti y de tu familia. “Hola soy de Guatemala y he vivido aqui en Richmond por 22 anos. Me sposo es de Guatemala y tengo un hijo de 21 anos y una hija de 16 anos, bien nacida aqui en Richmond. Soy graduada en Guatemala de Secretaria Ejecutiva. “

Si viajaras a algun lugar del mundo a donde irias y por que? “Me gustaría viajar a mi país para poder visitar me familia.”

Quien es tu heroe favorito y por que? “Mi heroe en primer lugar pondría como here a Dios porque grasias a el le debemos todo, y ami madre.”

Que es lo que mas te gusta de Puritan Cleaners? “Lo que me gusta de Puritan Cleaners que nos da muchas oportunidades de irnos superando, y que ayuda ala comunidad con alimentos (100K Meals) y jaquet para todos los ninos. Y ese una delas mejores lavanderias de aqui de Richmond.”

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