Getting To Know Us – Eva Santos-Portillo

This is Eva Santos-Portillo, she works in the laundry area at our Staples Mill location and has been with Puritan Cleaners for 17 years.  We asked Eva a few questions so you could get to know her better and here’s what she said:

Tell us about yourself and your family: “I am a happy person and happy with what life has given me. I have a family and appreciate Puritan Cleaners because it has been the support of my family for 17 years. More than a job I feel in a family environment and I hope to continue learning more each day.”

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go & why?   “Mexico, that way I would be able to see my parents. I miss them a lot since I haven’t seen them in 17 years. Nothing would make me happier since they are the only thing missing from here, since in this country I have everything economically.”

Who is your personal hero? “My parents! Because they taught me to be an honest person, they instilled very important values ​​in life and they always said that based on sacrifice one can have it all.”

What’s your favorite thing about Puritan Cleaners? “I love to see how it helps the community and how much it cares to give the best service to the community.”

Esta es Eva Santos-Portillo, trabaja en la lavandería en nuestra planta de Staples Mill y ha estado con Puritan Cleaners por 17 años. Le hicimos algunas preguntas a Eva para que pudieras conocerla mejor y aquí está lo que dijo:

Cuentanos un poco acerca de ti y de tu familia. “Soy una persona muy feliz y contenta con lo que la vida me ha regalado tengo una familia y agradesco mucho a Puritan Cleaners porque ha sido el soporte de mi familia durante 17 anos.”

Si viajaras a algun lugar del mundo a donde irias y por que? “Mexico porque asi podria ver a mis padres, los extrano mucho pues ya son 17 anos que no los veo, para mi seria una alegria muy grande volver a verlos a ver pues es lo unico que me falts aqui porque en este pais tengo todo economicamente.”

Quien es tu heroe favorito y por que? “Mis padres porque ellos me ensenaron a ser una persona honest, me inculcaron valores muy importantes en la vida y ellos siempre decian que a base de sacrificio uno lo puede tener todo.”

Que es lo que mas te gusta de Puritan Cleaners? “Me encanta ver como ayuda a la comunidad con los obros que realiza durante todo el ano. Y se preocupa mucho para para dar el mejor servicio a la comunidad.”

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