Getting To Know Us – Martha Ballado
This is Martha Ballado, one of our Home Delivery Route Managers that provides free pick up and delivery service for dry cleaning at hundreds of homes each week. Martha has been with us for over 3 years and started out as a Customer Service Representative at our Staples Mill location.
We asked Martha a few questions so you could get to know her better and here’s what she said:
Tell us about yourself and your family. “I am a mother of five, two boys and three girls, ages 4-18 years old. I enjoy the outdoors, charity and volunteer work, and spending quality time with my family.”
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? “I would travel to the Dominican Republic, Thailand, or Africa. I think they are beautiful places and I would like to do mission work there.”
Who is your personal hero? “My personal hero is Jesus, because everyone else tried to do good but Jesus died for it.”
What is your favorite thing about Puritan Cleaners? “What I love about Puritan Cleaners is the work environment, the professionalism, and the people who work here. I love that the company cares for the community.”
En español
Esta es Martha Ballado, una de las gerentes en el departamento de entrega a domicilio que provee gratuitamente la recogida y entrega de tintoreria (labado en seco) a cientos de casas cada semana. Martha a estado con nosotros por tres años y empezo como representante de servicio al cliente en nuestra locación en Staples Mill.
Cuentanos un poco acerca de ti y de tu familia. “Soy madre de cinco hijos que van desde 18 a 4 años. Disfruto de la naturaleza , trabajos caritativos y voluntarios, y pasar tiempo de calidad con mi familia.”
Si viajaras a algun lugar del mundo a donde irias y por que?
“Viajaria a Republica Dominicana,Tailandia o Africa. Pienso que son lugares bellos y me gustaria hacer misiones.”
Quien es tu heroe favorito y por que?
“Mi heroe favorito es Jesús, por que todos los demas trataron de hacer el bien pero Jesús murió por éllo.”
Que es lo que mas te gusta de Puritan Cleaners?
“Lo que mas me gusta de Puritan es el ambiente laboral, profecionalismo, y las personas que trabajan para ello. Me gusta que la compañia se preocupe por la comunidad.”