Laundry Line: To Bleach or Not to Bleach

Have you made the switch to oxygen-bleach products for your laundry yet? You may think conventional chlorine bleach is whitening, but if the water is not hot enough, the bleach is only weakening fibers. Old-fashioned bleach requires substantial heat to activate and brighten. The new oxy products work even in cold water and get your […]

Closet Manager: How to Fold a Fitted Sheet

Face it, no one likes folding sheets, but it’s a part of laundry life. Want to learn how to fold wrinkly fitted sheets like a pro? Check out this video See how easy it can be? With a little practice your linen closet can look like a display in a nice department store. For larger […]

Holiday Travel Unwrinkled

Use plastic dry cleaning bags to separate items when you pack. It helps prevent clothes from sticking together and wrinkling. Once you have worn the clothes, you can put them back in the bag and keep your worn laundry separated from your clean clothes without having messy piles in your room. Going somewhere warm and […]